Monday, January 12, 2009

Web-based vs. on-site email solutions

As there have been discussions continuing to arise in regards to the costs of technology, e-mail service is one that was sure to show up on the agenda. With articles like THIS one, discussing the decision to move a company's e-mail services to a cloud solution, things like security don't seem to gain the limelight as much as one would think.

There is a focus on the cost savings and ease of accessibility, which are great, but there is also much that is lost with a solution like this. Information ownership, legal litigation, data integrity, and records maintenance to name a few. Yes, it will definitely change the costs to your bottom line but what are the non-monetary costs that are being lost? Is it worth the risks? These are questions that only the institutions relying on services like these can answer and the responses are sure to vary widely.

What do you think??

1 comment:

  1. I think it will greatly depend on the type of business the company is doing. I don't see legal, healthcare and banking companies moving to 'cloudsourced' email solutions, but I do see the cloud email as a solution for thousands of small businesses who don't need the top level security.
